26 Mar Spain’s 2025 Digital Agenda: another step towards greater connectivity
Recently, the Spanish government released three of its most striking plans for the country’s 2025 Digital Agenda to date. These include the Digitalisation Plan for SMEs, the Digitalisation Plan for Public Administrations and the National Plan for Digital Skills.
In total, investment of some 11 billion euros will be injected over the coming three years. These three strategies will also form the backbone of Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Economic Resilience Plan, which will account for a third of the total investment.
By taking these steps, national authorities are making their commitment to Spain’s connectivity known, as they begin working with all those involved – including both the public and private sectors – to achieve the goals of the Digital Agenda. In this landscape, neutral operators like lyntia can play a significant role.
Turning connectivity into a tool for recovery
This is the fundamental goal that underpins all three digitalisation plans put forward and the wider Economic Recovery Plan. Within all of them, strategic lines are being established both with the public and private business sectors to bolster connectivity and fully apply 5G technology throughout Spain, among other improvements.
- The Digitalisation Plan for SMEs. This plan is made up of five areas of focus: promoting basic digitalisation, supporting change management through executive training, disruptive innovation and digital entrepreneurship – with a particular focus on the green and digital economy being supported by big data –, supporting sectoral digitalisation – particularly in industry, commerce and tourism –, as well as reforming instruments and networks. Importantly in this area, the infrastructure, services, products and experience of neutral operators could serve as a critical catalyst.
- The Digitalisation Plan for Public Administrations aims to “digitally transform administrations with interdisciplinary initiatives to deploy efficient, safe and easy-to-use public services and bring access to emerging technologies to the masses”. To achieve this, investment of 2.6 billion euros is planned in a bid to improve connectivity within health, justice and employment, as well as the digital development of Spain’s autonomous communities and regional entities.
- The National Plan for Digital Skills is chiefly aimed at citizens, although not entirely. It will focus on offering technological training to citizens, drastically reducing the digital divide through various training initiatives for citizens, civil servants and SMEs alike, digitalising education and progressively adopting digitalised workflows in everyday tasks within all these areas.
Fibre optic and 5G technology: key ingredients for connectivity
It’s clear that for all these component plans to be a success, as well as Spain’s 2025 Digital Agenda, the involvement of the private sector will be crucial. There must be strategic support from beyond the governmental sphere.
And in order to serve as a real catalyst for such collaboration, the ability of neutral operators to provide fibre optic and dark fibre products and services, alongside the development and support of communications operators in implementing 5G technology before achieving full 5G coverage throughout Spain will only accelerate this vital digital transition.
On the other hand, technical training from human teams at neutral operators, with their profound knowledge of connectivity innovations, their experience and breadth of fields of action – from 5G to satellite connectivity – place them as veritable drivers of the vast technological changes set to come about between now and 2023.